Our Mission & Vision

Our vision is…

reaching people with the love and teachings of Jesus Christ.

Our mission is…

to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Our Church History

In the mid-1950’s, community members in the Colonial Village area decided they wanted a church.  We originally met in the lobby of Elmhurst Elementary School on Pattengill Ave.

We bought land and built a small church on the corner of Mt. Hope Ave. and Boston Blvd.  Grace Methodist Church became Grace United Methodist Church when the Methodists merged with the United Brethren Churches.  Our first pastor was Walter Creason. 

It was not long before attendance and programs increased creating the need for more space.  We added the Fellowship Hall, kitchen, library, Chapel and narthex.  Our original parsonage was on Blair St. but later moved to its current location.

We added more classrooms,meeting spaces and the choir room in the 1980’s.  Parking was a problem; thus, when the car storage lots behind the church on Mt. Hope were put up for sale, we bought 13 acres with two buildings.  One building was sold to Colonial Village Baptist Church along with some of the lot. We sold some land for the senior apartments and Cole Academy in the early 1990s.

Today, Grace continues to be a missions-driven church, embracing the teachings of Jesus, while welcoming everyone through its doors. We invite you to become part of our history and join us for worship or community fellowship in the many programs Grace offers.


Frequently Asked Questions

What do United Methodists believe?

As a part of the global United Methodist Church, we adhere to a set of Bible-based, God inspired set of beliefs set forth by our denomination. To learn more about the UMC beliefs, CLICK HERE.

Where should I park? Is there handicapped parking?

Grace UMC has a large parking lot behind the church with clearly marked handicapped spaces. Enter off Mt. Hope Blvd and look for the double glass doors to enter the building.

What should I wear?

On Sunday mornings, you’ll find people dressed in everything from sweats to suits. Come as your are comfortable and you will be welcomed.

What are your worship services like? Formal? Informal?

Worship (at 10am every Sunday) blends the formal and the informal. Watch past services at the Grace UMC Facebook page to check out our praise band, chancel choir and our pastor.

Is there Sunday School?

“Kids on the Move” (KOM) meets every Sunday (with occasional exceptions on holiday weekends). Children, grades pre-K through 5th, begin in worship, spend a little time with the pastor, and then depart of KOM. An adult Sunday School class meets immediately after worship and welcomes visitors.

Is there Children's Church or a Nursery available?

Yes, the nursery is staffed beginning at 9:30am on Sunday mornings.

Is the church available for events (i.e., weddings, funerals, etc.)?

Grace UMC can be rented for events if the calendar is open. Contact our church office, 517-482-5750 or lgraceumc@gmail.com to inquire.

How can I find out more about joining the church?

Just reach out to Pastor Leslee for information: 517-482-5750 or pastorleslee1@gmail.com.